[802SEC] PAR for Revision of IEEE Std 802.10-1998
Since the 802.10 WG is in hibernation, it must be 'reactivated' (see
below) by the Executive Committee before a new project can be started.
Assuming you get a mover/seconder to make 'reactivation' motion, an email
ballot can be held before the start of the July plenary session, if it
passes, then the WG can propose new work. Hibernation of a Working Group A Working Group can be hibernated at
the request of the Working Group chair and the approval of the LMSC
Executive Committee. The hibernating Working Group can be returned to active
status by the LMSC Executive Committee.
--Paul Nikolich
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Alonge" <kenneth.alonge@verizon.net>
To: "IEEE802" <stds-802-sec@ieee.org>
Cc: "Russ Housley" <housley@vigilsec.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: [802SEC] PAR for Revision of IEEE Std 802.10-1998
> All-
> As promised in earlier e-mails, I'm forwarding a PAR and the 5 Criteria
> your consideration at the July Plenary to revise the SILS Standard and to
> unhibernate 802.10 to perform the work. Please provide any
> comments/questions as soon as you can.
> Thanks - Ken Alonge