FW: [802SEC] Sponsor Ballot periods--recommended minimum durations
I strongly object. I have built schedules around times that have been
undisputed for years (as demonstrated by Roger's research) and will have
two recircs coming up that need to be completed before DFW and
10 day recircs. I personally think 10 days in more than adequate as I
suspect many members of the SEC would as well. If we want to change the
rules, even on a temporary basis, then it should be for new sponsor
not ones in process. Personally, I think the 30, 10 combo has been just
fine and we should let things be until we attempt a change in the rules.
At 03:59 PM 2/6/03 -0500, Paul Nikolich wrote:
>Dear SEC Members,
>The minimum duration of Sponsor Initial and Recirculation Ballot
>ambiguous. Therefore, as a matter of temporary policy for the IEEE 802
>LAN/MAN Standards Committee, I hereby recommend that henceforth:
>1) the duration of a Sponsor Initial Ballot shall be greater than or
>to 30days*24hours in duration and
>2) that the duration of a Sponsor Recirculation Ballot shall be greater
>or equal to 15days*24hours.
>The above periods are equal to our Working Group Initial and
>Ballot periods.
>This temporary policy would be in effect until the LMSC Operating Rules
>modified to formally remove the ambiguity in the duration of Sponsor
>and Recirculation Ballots.
>If there are no objections to the above policy, I recommend we follow
>starting immediately. I can make sure the above minimum durations are
>observed by the SA balloting center.
>--Paul Nikolich
>Chairman, IEEE 802
Bob Heile, Ph.D
Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Personal Area Networks
Chair, ZigBee Alliance
11 Louis Road
Attleboro, MA 02703 USA
Phone: 508-222-1393
Mobile: 781-929-4832
Fax: 508-222-0515
email: bheile@ieee.org