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WPAN/ Re: Extension of Letter Ballot 1Close Date

Does anyone know the impact of the announcement
yesterday of a new version B of the Bluetooth
specification to the letter ballot process that
we are in for version A of the Bluetooth specification?

Was the letter ballot extension made to allow IEEE
to review version B?  

Will version B now be one of the comments on the IEEE
letter ballot (i.e. make all changes as per version B)?
David Cypher
At 05:20 PM 12/3/99 -0500, Bob Heile wrote:
>Happy Holidays--
>Given that a lot of time is 'lost' in happy pursuits during the holiday 
>session and to insure alignment with current 802 paper ballot voting rules, 
>I am extending the close of Letter Ballot 1 from December 10, 1999 to 
>Thursday, December 23, at 11pm EST. I have discussed this with Jim Carlo, 
>and he concurs. The earlier close was intended to give our Technical 
>Editor, Tom Siep, as much time as possible to organize and process the 
>comments. For Tom''s sake, please do not wait until the end. Pretend you 
>still have only a week and get it done!!
>Also, as a reminder to our nearly voting, and aspirant folks, you are also 
>invited to make comments on the draft although you can not vote on it. Most 
>of you received this invitation at the Hawaii meeting and were able to 
>download the draft and ballot material from the flash. For those remaining 
>few of you who want to review and comment and were unable to get a copy in 
>Hawaii, request a copy from me by return email. I'd send it attached to 
>this email, but the total package is about a 1.5meg zip file. Some of you 
>might not appreciate that without some warning.
>Hope this makes it a little easier to get the job done.
>Bob Heile
>GTE Technology Organization
>Chair IEEE 802.15
>Phone: 781-466-2057
>Fax:    781-466-2575
>Pager: 800-759-8888  PIN 1109355

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