- March 2009
- Vancouver,
- The TAG reviewed comments on the 802.15.3c
coexistence assurance (CA) document. The 802.15 WG
revised the CA document based on the comments
received. The TAG reviewed the final simulation
results for 802.16h and 802.11y in the 3650 MHz frequency
band. The TAG held a joint meeting with the
802.15.4g task group on smart utility networks and
discussed first steps in addressing coexistence as the
task group develops its standard. Finally, the TAG
received an assignment from the executive committee study
group (ECSG) on TV white space. The assignment was
to continue development of coexistence scenarios and
possible coexistence metrics for the TV white space. The
TAG agreed to accept this assignment. Since the ECSG
members wanted to be able to vote it was decided to form a
study group within the TAG. The formation of the
study group was approved by the executive
committee. Since the TAG has a new study group the
TAG will meet at the May Interim and possibly also at the
September Interim, in addition to the regular meetings at
the Plenary sessions.