802.22 July 2009 Closing Report
- Wendong Hu (STMicroelectronics) was elected as the new chair of
802.22 in the runoff ballot held on Friday morning (15 to 9)
- 802.22 Draft 2.0 was balloted by the WG with a return rate
higher than 75% and resulted in 1254 comments. Comment resolution
was carried out during the week in three parallel ad-hoc groups
addressing different clauses of the Draft. The process will
continue over teleconference calls between the WG sessions.
- 802.22.1 Draft 6.0 on the wireless microphone beacon was
approved through sponsor ballot (90% approval, return rate> 75%) and
resulted in 87 comments. Comment resolution took place during the
July session and will continue over teleconference calls towards a
re-circulation to sponsors.
- Task Group 802.22.2 met and continued developing the 802.22
Recommended Practice
- Discussions took place on the proposed 802.22 interface to the
Database System Group (Google, Microsoft, Broadcasters, etc.) during
two meetings. A draft document was produced and will be discussed
further over teleconference by an ad-hoc group led by Winston
Caldwell (FOX).
- Discussions took place on the consideration of the proposed
802.22a PAR and 5C for portable applications in the TV white spaces
presented to the EC in March 2009 for eventual re-submittal to the
EC. After considering the various options, it was decided to
proceed with a refinement of the PAR and 5C to try to remove the
objections that were expressed in March and resulted in withdrawal.
An ad-hoc group led by a Apurva Mody (BAE-Systems) will work by
teleconference between the July and the September session to modify
the 802.22.3 PAR and 5C for presentation and approval by the WG at
the September session.